Bob & Cindy's 2013 Travel Web Site
Welcome to our 2013 Travel Site
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Lathrop State Park
Buffalo Pass CG
Central Colorado
Cindy and I finally left Spicewood on Saturday, July 13th with the new motorhome and an eye on new adventures.  We drove up through Lubbock and then to Lathrop State Park outside of Walsenburg, Colorado.  What a time to get used to driving the new rig .. we fought 20 - 25 mph headwinds and crosswinds the whole way up to Colorado but no dust.  The "big box" moves around a lot more on the road with wind but we finally got used to it.  Cindy even took over driving for a while going up to Lubbock when we had a brief tailwind.  We spent a couple of nights in Walsenburg, did a short hike, did some reorganization and then headed on up to Buffalo Pass, a National Forest Campground with no services (trash, water, electricity, phone connection, etc.) .. it's a little used area, very quiet, and at 9500 feet, a good place to get acclimated.  Weather was good with some afternoon showers and cool nights.  We had several campfires at night with some of our RV neighbors learning about new places.  Good to get back into camping!!
Our new toys ... picture taken at our first camp site on our first trip at Predenales State Park about 30 miles from home in May.  It's a 34 foot gas model and we liked the floor plan ..  Allegro Model (made by Tiffin).  Also a used Jeep Rubicon to use as a tow vehicle ... it'll be nice to have smaller transportation to do some bumming around on the dirt roads .. the F 350 was just too big and too rough for some of that ... I guess we'll see. 
Oh, yeah ... so good to be back in Colorado and escaping the Texas heat.  As soon as we got there we ran into rain for a day that delayed us at Lathrop State Park, but it was scattered showers most days after we got to Buffalo Pass.
On our way to Lujan Pass for a picnic lunch ... lots of roads to explore in the jeep.  Not so sure about the soft top ... a lot of dust on these off roads!
Love the views just bumming around in the mountains!  No beetle kill in this area but we saw some other spots where it's bad.
A perfect spot for a picnic near the top of Lujan Pass.  Cool breezes but a lot of company from the flies.  Still, not a bad day.
On the way to the La Garita Wilderness Area  ... this is another area that is just beginning to have some beetle kill .. which obviously is increasing the odds of wildfires.
The new rig in our campsite at Buffalo Pass ... we thought we had a problem with something draining our batteries ... turned out our refrigerator gas pilot was going on and off for lack of oxygen at the 9500 feet elevation and that caused a draw on fans and relighting .. an easy fix. 
The cowboys are alive and well in Colorado as these guys are driving cattle to a new grazing spot.
Our spot for a picnic on the way back from La Garita.
This is not our idea of camping.  A paved lot with the picnic tables on the side ... lots of generators.  And they're paying for this???  This is just one step away from the Walmart parking lot!
More Colorado views while we are exploring outside of Buena Vista, CO.
We are currently in Buena Vista, CO and plan to check out Turquoise Lake up by Leadville tomorrow.  If we find a reasonable spot, we'll stay there for 4 or 5 days .. if not, we'll most likely head on up to Lake Dumont which is close to Steamboat Springs.  Stay tuned.
Northern Colorado
Central Montana
Tetons & SW Colorado